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My fiance has had depression for 2 years now - and to say it is a struggle is a tremendous understatement. So I often search the net for some advice or people going through the same situation so I don't feel so alone and helpless. Here's what I found: there are countless sites devoted to the depressed individual. All offering great practical advice in trying to overcome it. But very few exist for people like us – and those that do, even though they are designed to help those living with people with depression – almost always end up focusing on the depressed person. So when I found this entry, I was pleasantly surprised. You really have been there. I related to almost every word. I still struggle a bit with the advice of "supporting" your loved one instead of telling them what to do. As I have done just that for 2 years. And today he didn't get out of bed for the 4th day in a row. I search for countless help until i got hold of  Dr Amigo information and relate the problems to him luckily he was able to provide maximum help thanks sir if only i knew him for the past two years. His email

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