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Hello sir it's me Naomi Jerks Moah the one you always referred to as your daughter, I'm writing back to inform you that I got the contract now. Viewers here I'm happy be here as well Dr Amigo actually said soon I will join those testifiers, and yes I'm here to do same thing, I was help by Dr Amigo, I have been trying to secure a particular contact for months now and some parts of the job have been awarded to some persons and to me nothing was forth coming, I tried to pleased the man in charge awarding the contract but no way he never succumbed to any of my ways. Just a week before the contract expiration I got hold of my father as I called him also from an article on Facebook, he told me to send the name of the man of chafe which I did and within 4 days I received a mail that my I have been considered for the contract to supply all the materials needed for the project. This man made my life easy again, was almost frustrated. Here is my fathers contact great Dr Amigo for those desiring his assistance too. Email or

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